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Support Us

Katha Dance Theatre relies on your generosity to sustain our programming.

Our mission is to inspire, captivate, and educate audiences about this beautiful dance tradition and its deeper cultural meaning. This is important work we could not do without your continued support!

Why support Katha Dance Theatre?

We at Katha Dance Theatre (KDT) rely on your generosity to sustain our programming. Our mission is to inspire, captivate, and educate audiences about the beautiful Kathak dance tradition while expanding its artistic boundaries, making it more inclusive and accessible to all.

Our recent performance of Panchatantra – The Dancing Tales of Wisdom exemplified so much about the essence of our mission: to pass down the Kathak tradition to future generations of artists and incorporate diverse influences and voices as open and accessible to all. This was our largest-scale production in the history of KDT, with 42 intergenerational dancers comprised of our Company, apprentices, and students, even some as young as eight years old. Along with a cross-cultural composing team, costumes imported from India and original artwork by a Minnesota-based artist, Panchatantra distilled Artistic Director Rita Mustaphi’s pioneering vision of Kathak dance.

This is important work we could not do without your continued support, especially as we look toward a Spring season of touring an expanded version of Prakritir Pratisodh – Nature’s Revenge and organizing a dance festival that spotlights a variety of classical Indian dance traditions. But why should you give today?

We recently expanded into a beautiful new studio, and with its larger size and increased expenses, we need your support to ensure we can continue providing our crucial performance and educational programming. Our performances, like Panchatantra, give everyone from all walks of life access to a cultural tradition that may open their eyes to diverse artistic voices and build stronger, more united communities. But our dance school is just as important as our onstage work, as it fosters a community of Kathak’s future artistic leaders. 

Donor Benefits

Help contribute to our vital role in Minnesota’s cultural landscape!

Your donation ensures that we can continue to preserve and advance this beautiful dance tradition thousands of miles away from its birthplace, enriching lives through dance and ensuring Kathak’s continued cultural impact for years to come.

Your donation will be publicly recognized on this page and is also tax deductible, as Katha Dance Theatre is organized as a non-profit organization under 501(c)(3). Our federal tax ID is 36-3557119. We ask that you check with your employer before you give to see if they offer a gift-matching program. Also, consider making yours a recurring monthly donation to ensure it has the greatest possible impact!


We appreciate the support of devoted art patrons like you, who make the vitality, innovation, and diversity of Katha Dance possible. With your support, we will soar to new levels of excellence and bring the joy of dance to the widest possible audience. Thank you!

Messages from Our Community

“The dances were very beautiful and I enjoyed the rhythms, hand and body expressions and music. What we see in the movies is very different from these historical northern Indian dances … Thanks for all your work in keeping your culture alive and sharing it with other cultures.”

Audience Member

Grand Rapids, MN

“I have always admired Katha’s imaginative & revelatory collaborations..the one with Native American Indians & Indian Indians at O’Shaughnessy years ago comes to mind.. Rita Mustaphi is a genius: great dancer, teacher, thinker”

Audience Member

St. Paul, MN

“The choreography and the individual performances were uniformly splendid. However, what captivated me even more was the remarkable coherence of the movements of all the dancers. You all truly formed an organic whole…This was visual story-telling at its finest.”

Audience Member

Minneapolis, MN

“I really enjoyed seeing a style of dance that I had not previously experienced and appreciated the technique, story, and costumes. It was beautiful.”

Audience Member

Minneapolis, MN

Your donation is tax deductible, as Katha Dance Theatre is organized as a non-profit organization under 501(c)(3). Our federal tax ID is 36-3557119. We also ask that you check with your employer before you give to see if they offer a gift-matching program. Further, a recurring monthly donation is a great way to show your long-term support for KDT.

Donate now online:
Via PayPal
Via GiveMN

Or, mail a check to:

Katha Dance Theatre Office

5444 Orchard Ave North

Crystal, MN 55429

Other Ways to Support

Attend Our Shows

The purchase of a ticket to one of our shows helps us monetarily, but more importantly, your presence in the audience embodies our artistic goal of making Kathak widely inclusive, relevant and accessible.

Book Us

Are you a presenter looking to flesh out your season schedule? A corporate employee looking for a workplace retreat activity? Get in touch to book a tour stop or outreach program with KDT.

Take a Class With Us

Watching a performance is one thing, but trying Kathak for yourself takes the art form to another level! Reach out to learn about our class offerings.

Our Funders

Katha Dance Theatre exists due to the generous support of the following funders:

Individual 2024 Donors:


Dr. S.K. Dash

$1000 – $4,999

Shilpa Manjure

Pooja & Ryan Newcom

$500 – $1000

Paurvi Bhatt

William Blackwood

Jana & Erik Hagen

Rita Mustaphi

Anoop & Preeti Mathur

Mary McKeown

Rupa & Rahul Nair

Tanwi Prigge

Raj Rajan

Nivedita Sahni

$350 – $499

Bob Beverage

General Mills

$200 – $349

Ram Gada

John Palka

Gopal Sadagopal

$75 – $199

Anonymous Donors

Raj Chaudhary

Anirban Halder

Fatima Jawaid

Shruti Joshi

Donald LaCourse

Anjana & Suresh Nair

Ajay Patel

Srinivas Siddabathuni

$1 – $74

Saumyadip Bagchi

Joe Chvala

Jim Peitzman

Thank you for empowering Katha Dance Theatre to develop modern Kathak dance culture!